Well, I guess it was about time that I started doing some kind of work around here. Going out at night and laying by the pool in the afternoons-that time is over. (Or is it?) I started my classes on Monday. I am taking four classes at the IES center (my program). The classes I am taking are Spanish Grammer (M-T-W-Th), Contemporary Spanish History: Republic to Present (M-W), Cultural Myths and Spanish Literature(T-Th) and El Greco, Velazquez and Goya in the Prado Museum(T-W). I will just go in the order in which I have the classes during the week..
Spanish Grammer- Just a basic Spanish class. We continue with grammer rules and all that jazz in order to strengthen up our skills and become as fluent as possible during our time here. The professor is this very cool lady who actually taught at Bowdoin a few years ago. She is really good friends with my favorite Spanish professor at Bowdoin. This class is going to be very easy.
Contempory Spanish History- This is going to be my toughest class (probably not saying much). The professor is an older gentleman who seems very serious about his work and his class. (All of the professors all teach classes at local universities) The first day of class we took about 2-3 pages of notes over the whole history of Spain. Today, we finished up with another 3 pages of notes. I don't know what else we are supposed to learn. We went over everything. I believe that this class will give me the most work, but at the same time, it is very interesting so I don't mind at all.
Legal and Political Structure of Modern Spain- A very interesting class. It is closely related to my history class, however I think this one is going to be a little more interesting. There is so much going on in Spain that it will be very interesting to learn all about it. The professor is very good and seems to know very much.
Cultural Myths and Spanish Literature- This class is going to be the most fun. The professor is amazingly hilarious. He shows up, looking as young as a student, wearing bright green pants, a striped shirt that ranges from green to blue and a blue jacket to match the whole thing together. He has the most opinions about everything and they are all so funny. He loves Spain more than anything, except maybe Pedro Almodovar. We talked about the Oscars for about half of the class. Other than him, I have already read 5 out of the 7 works that we are going to read. He told us that he planned to take us to the theater at least twice so I am very excited for that. I am not worried about this class at all. It's going to be great.
El Greco..Prado Museum- The class for which I am probably the most excited. This isn't just any old art history class. I get to spend an hour and a half every Tuesday and Wednesday in the Prado Museum. Also, I do not have to pay any entrance fee. Free trips to the Prado? Amazing. I am going to know every inch of that place. This class is going to be amazing.
In all, I am very excited for all of my classes. My schedule is a little strange. Most days I have a break from 10:20 to 12 and then other days I have a break from 1:20 to roughly 3:30 (I have to take the metro to the Prado). I start class every day at 9 AM (that's rough). However, one good thing about my schedule is that I don't have any classes on Fridays. Also, these professors all talked about how they don't want to give us a lot of work so that will be wonderful. I don't have any cool pictures at this point in time but I will after this weekend because I am going to Toledo to visit Sam. Instead, I added a picture of us happy students, enjoying a night out. From left to right..Jay (my roommate), Eric, Myself, Andrew (Friend of Eric who is studying in London now), Austin (known as "The Gomez"). 2nd Row-Colin (Alex's friend from school) and Alex. More news to come,
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