So once the wonderful vacation of Spring Break was over, we had to come home to a lot of work. The first couple of weeks back I had to get through many presentations, papers and other assignments. They have certainly kept us busy these last couple of weeks. I have had many assignments, presentations, papers and projects. In fact, for my last couple of weeks, I have had to write three seven-page papers, given three presentations and (so far) taken four finals. (I have one more to go tomorrow) This is all in the last two weeks. Besides the work, there hasn't been much going on. We had a long weekend the weekend before last and I just stayed at home working most of the time. However, one of those days, my roommate Nick and I decided that we would go on a day trip to Venice. Neither of us had been before and it was the last trip of the semester. We woke up early in the morning (about 7 or so) and headed to the train station in order to make it on time. Luckily we got to sit in first class for the way there and we actually had seats for the whole time. We knew we were getting close when the scenery from outside of the windows changed from mountains to water. When we first got a look at the city, after leaving the train station, it was like nothing we had ever seen. There were no cars in sight. There were vehicles of every kind for the water-water taxis, fire rescue, ambulances- but not one car. The whole city is an elaborate maze of canals that create a really unique experience. We had no idea where to go and what to see so we just picked a direction and started going that way. We ran into many people going on gondola rides around the city but we decided not to because it was very expensive and a little too bro-mantic. We walked around for a few hours, taking pictures of just about everything we saw. We eventually became hungry and decided to eat at a place that was right on the water. They were having a special "tourist" deal in which we had 3 items of food for just 14 euro. Because we were in Venice, and they were famous for their seafood, I decided that I would have the spaghetti with cuttlefish, stewed in its own ink. This plate of food was as black as the night. It was one of the weirdest things I have seen served on a plate, but it ended up being delicious. I also had fried calamari and some french fries. After lunch, we made our way to one of the main attractions of the city- The Piazza San Marco and the Basilica di San Marco ( We had seen, pretty much, the entire city at this point, so we started walking back to where we had started at the train station. We bought our train tickets back and we had another hour or so to kill. We decided to walk up the other direction and see what was there. (More photo-worthy things) When we made it back to the train station, we were waiting in a big group to see what platform our train would be arriving at. As soon as the number appeared, a massive crowd dashed for the train. It was complete pandemonium. We eventually ended up standing (all crammed together) on this train for about 2 hours. It was completely brutal. Eventually, these very nice people let us have their seats when they were leaving so we were able to sit down for the last hour or so. Needless to say, we were quite tired at this point. We came back to our apartment and made some delicious chicken/pepper/cheese quesadillas and called it a night. After this trip, like I said earlier, we have just been going to class and working. I only have a few more days in this glorious town and on this incredible adventure and it is certainly hard to come to terms with that. I have been taking all the opportunities I can to walk home instead of taking the metro, in order to take in as much of the city as I can. Tomorrow is my last final and then hopefully I can get some packing done before we have our farewell dinner on Thursday. (I leave Friday) Please don't make me go.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Spring Break-Part 2
So, we left off in London, when we were going to the train station. We were taking a very long system of night trains and a ferry in order to get from London to Dublin. We took the first couple of trains that led us up the coast of the UK, up through Wales. We were traveling all through the evening and into the night and we finally reached the ferry station. We were expecting to board some small boat, but once we made it through the check-in lines, we were boarded onto a massive, cruise-type ship. They had everything on this ferry, from arcade games, a movie theater, buffets, bars and lots of places to sit and sleep (although by the time we reached the area, every place was pretty much taken). My friend Nick and I played a couple games at the arcade and then we just kind of settled in on the ground to try and sleep for a few hours. The trip was about 3 hours or so and laying on the ground helped me to combat the seasickness. We finally made it to the Dublin port and we called a taxi to take us to Shannon's friend's dorm that was located on the Dublin City University campus. The man who drove the taxi was our first real introduction to the people of Ireland and it was a perfect start. This was one of the nicest guys I have ever met in my life. He was so nice to us and told us this incredible story about how he had overcome alcoholism with the help of his wife and how much he loved her and it was incredible story that almost had us in tears. He drove us to the campus and everybody passed out on some of the couches in the common room. I couldn't really sleep so I decided to read a little instead. Once Nick woke up, we decided that we would go and try and find a nice Irish breakfast. We walked down the road a little bit until we found a small cafe that made an Irish breakfast and it was delicious. It was certainly not my last Irish breakfast (I would go on to have about 3 more during our time in Ireland). This version was a little more basic, but the best breakfast that I had was with poached eggs, toast, sausage, bacon, white pudding and black pudding. One breakfast that I had came with beans and another came with potato bread. (They like to mix it up) We came back to the campus in order to shower and then while we waited for the girls to get ready, we went down to the on-campus bar and had our first (of very many) Guinness'. We shot a couple of rounds of pool and then met up with everybody shortly afterwards. We then proceeded to head into town and the first thing that we did was to buy bus tickets for the rest of the week. We walked around the center of the town for a while and we went to visit Trinity College campus. This campus is one of the most beautiful that I have ever seen. The buidings are old and gorgeous and the grounds are so clean and green. Shannon's friend Doug is studying abroad there so he joined our group to help show us all around. We had quite a few days in Dublin so we spent much of the time just hanging out and enjoying the fact that we were there. So, naturally, the next thing we did was to go to a pub to enjoy some local food and (of course) drink more Guinness. The waiter/bartender was a hilarious guy that was really nice and constantly made fun of us for being Americans. When the girls ordered "Irish coffees, he immediately said "Oh, f*** you". He had all of us laughing and was very good about bringing out the food and drinks. I ate half of a roast beef sandwich and a clam chowder that was absolutely delicious. One of the best that I have had in a long time. We spent the next couple of hours in the pub, eating and drinking Guinness and eventually our roommate Chris came. He met us in Dublin after spending time in Paris with his family. He met us at the bar and after a while we headed across town to check into our hostel. Chris, Nick and I were staying at a hostel that was downtown and located right on the River Liffey. It was an incredible location and the people there were awesome (I will get into that later). The rest of the night was pretty relaxing. We hung out with Doug and his roommates at their dorm at Trinity for a bit and then went to eat at a place called Eddie Rockets. It was an old diner-type restaurant with incredible milkshakes and burgers and fries. The next day I woke up pretty early because I had a mission. The one thing that I had forgot to pack was my razor and by now, I had quite a scruffy face going on. I went around looking for a barber shop because I thought I would get a shave. I walked around the city for a while until I found a place that had a Turkish hot towel shave. It was so nice. I haven't had a hot shave in so long and it was very different. After I was cleanly shaven, I went back to meet up with Chris and Nick and we went to breakfast at a restaurant about 5 minutes away. We had just missed the time for serving breakfast, but the meal was had was stil very delicious. Chris and I shared a spicy lamb pizza and I had a side cup of seafood chowder. The fresh-squeezed lemonade was also quite good. Chris had to go pick his classes at a local internet cafe so Nick and I just hung out for a while. We then picked up a couple of Cuban cigars and walked around the Trinity campus for a while. We never smoke cigars, but when else are you going to get Cubans? We then went back to the hostel and waited for my friend from Bowdoin, Ted to come. He met us in Dublin for a few days so that was pretty awesome. There wasn't much going on during the day because it was Good Friday. Many places were closed and there was no alcohol being served. So, because there was not much else going on, we decided that we would go to the casino and try our luck. I ended up being pretty lucky and actually won 16 euro more than what I came in with. We left the casino and went to a very popular burger place. They had so many options of toppings and it was so good. I had a burger with lettuce, American cheese, a "Jamaican" sauce that was of mango and it was spicy and with a fried egg on top. We also had fries with different kinds of sauces. It was one of the best burgers I have had. That night we decided to hang out at the hostel for a while before going out. The people that were working there were having a party so we decided to join them. We met many people from all over the country/world and they were all cool. After we hung out there with the hostel people for a while, we went to the girls' place and met up with the people that were living there. We stayed there for a while before heading back into town and going to bed. The next day was Ted's last full day in Dublin so I met up with him in town and we walked around checking out all of the sights and taking pictures. We ate at a Mexican place for lunch where I had a spicy lamb burrito. For a Mexican restaurant in Dublin, it was pretty good. We then made our way to the true Irish attraction: The Guinness Storehouse. This is where all of the magic happens. The place is seven stories worth of Guinness-making, Guinness history, shopping and everything else that you can think of that has to do with Guinness. When you take the tour, you can see every step of the process of how a Guinness is made and everything that goes into storing them and shipping them. The best part is that the top floor is the Gravity Bar. The whole floor is circled around a bar with bartenders that constantly pour Guinness to the customers and all of the walls are windows that can look out over the whole city. This is where most people get their free Guinness, so we did the same. On the way back we stopped at an Indian restaurant for dinner and it was delicious. We had a deal that was like three courses and a side. I had some lamb vindaloo, naan, and some really good chicken. We headed back to the hostel to get ready for the night and we decided that we would start the night at the hostel again. Tonight was even better/more fun with the hostel people. A lot more people were going out and we were all having a really good time. We played beer pong for a while and then we played some game that a Dutch guy taught us. It was called pokeball? To make it simple, it is a drinking game that we played in the street, similar to Kubb ( We headed out afterwards to a bar nearby to have a few beers. Once we got there, we actually ended up running into some people from Bowdoin that Ted knew (small world!) We hung out with them for the rest of the night and went around to a couple of other bars before heading back to the hostel. The next morning we woke up, said goodbye to Ted, and got ready to go to Galway. We all boarded a bus and headed west. Once we got to Galway, Chris, Nick, Nico and Maura all checked into their hostel. Shannon's friend Doug had a friend that had an apartment in Galway so he was nice enough to let a couple of us stay there. The weather is Galway is just as you would imagine: very rainy and a little cold. It rained off and on for the entire time we were there. We walked to a local restaurant/pub to have a little lunch. I had another Irish breakfast, although this was was a lot bigger than the first. There was so much food. It didn't help that I was sharing buffalo wings with Nick too. I was substantially stuffed. There was a rugby game on too so that was cool. After lunch we split up and those of us who were staying at Doug's friend's place (Doug, Shannon, Casey and me) went over there and hung out for a while before going to meet up with everybody at night. We went to a local bar in town that was supposed to be really fun and it didn't disappoint. There was a live band playing that was really good and everybody had a good time. There were a couple of bachelorette parties there too that were dancing and they were hilarious. The next morning we split up again, although this time it was Nick, Chris, Nico, Maura and me that went on a really cool bus tour. I came back into town and met up with them before heading out towards our first stop, which was a small farm, run by a man who was an expert in Irish studies and history. The place was really nice, surrounded by the greenest countryside I have ever seen in my life. The guy who lead the tour/owned the farm was extremely nice and really funny. We saw lots of sheep and cows and the view from the top of the hill that we climbed was incredible. While we were waiting for the bus to pick us up for our next stop, a couple of us were playing a little bit of hurling in the front yard ( We didn't actually know how to play, but we were just throwing the ball around and stuff. The bus eventually came and got us and we headed off to the main attraction, the Cliffs of Moher. They were so incredible. It was raining like crazy at this point, and we were not all dressed to keep warm through the rain. The tour was so worth it because seeing the cliffs was one of the most incredible things that I have ever seen. We were there for a while, taking pictures and getting way too close to the edge. After the cliffs, we came back to the bus and had a few more stops. We ate lunch at a town a little ways over, we saw a castle and another spot of some cliffs. The whole day was so much fun and it was some of the best scenery in the world. We eventually came back to Galway, checked the people out of their hoste and boarded a bus taking us back to Dublin. Once we got there, we got to the hostel, showered and then Chris, Nick and I went to go find some food. We walked through the Temple Bar area until we found a little Irish restaurant that was having a good deal on an appetizer/entree combo. The place actually turned out to be extremely delicious. For the appetizer, I had some breadsticks with garlic sauce. For the entree, I had fish and chips and the garlic sauce was so good from the breadsticks that I saved it for the fish and chips. Everything was great and after we finished, we just went back to the hostel and slept. The next day was our last day in the beautiful country of Ireland so we started it off right with a great breakfast. Nico and Maura met up with Chris, Nick and me and we went back to the restaurant where we had the lamb pizza. (This time we made it to breakfast) I had my last Irish breakfast, complete with tea and orange juice. The rest of the group went to the Guinness factory after breakfast, but since I had already been, I went shopping for a little bit. I bought myself some birthday presents and then met up with the gang before heading to the airport. We packed everything up, said goodbye to everybody at the hostel, got on a shuttle and eventually made our way out. We landed in beautiful Italy and ended an incredible, extremely fun trip.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Spring Break-Part 1
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Parma- Cuisine Trip

I am basically a week behind in these posts right now, so I am writing about the cuisine trip from last weekend. We traveled south to visit a few different cities and experience the culture and cuisine of a different region of Italy. We left on a Friday (March 30th) and hopped on a bus to go to our first stop, Cremona. In Cremona, we had a tour of another Duomo (I have seen way too many of those) and then we had a really cool visit to a violin shop. Cremona is one of the most famous places for making violins in the world. We heard from a luthier (person who makes string instruments) about the long and complicated process that goes into making a violin and had the chance to see all of the stages of the process. We also took a small tour of a historic theater. After the stop in Cremona, we headed to our main destination-Parma. We arrived at our hotel, checked in to our rooms (they were quite nice) and then took a small tour of the city. We saw, of course, another Duomo and then a Baptisery. We then came back to the hostel to hang out for a bit before going to dinner. Dinner was at a place downtown that had incredible food. For the appetizers, we had plates filled with different kinds of meat, such as prosciutto, and along with that we had a type of fried pastry that I have always known as sopaipillas ( I am not sure what the Italian name for this type of food is, but for when I saw them, I was so excited. My father has been making the best sopaipillas for years and we only have the chance to eat them on certain occasions. For our first course we had a parmesan cheese risotto and butternut squash ravioli and for the second course we had a very delicious stewed beef. Dessert, of course, was tiramisu. The wine was also flowing that night. Everybody was having a great time. It was really fun going on a trip with a lot of people from our program. We went out that night after dinner and had a few drinks and sampled a little bit of the nighttime scene in Parma. It was interesting because there is a pretty big college there, so a lot of people our age were out and about. The following day, we spent some time in Parma, before heading off to a place called Mantova (Mantua in English). This city was very basic, mostly occupied by a big castle as the main attraction. We took a tour through the whole place and there was some really beautiful art, statues and gardens. Afterwards, we had some free time so a couple of us walked down to the waterside of a nearby lake and sat around at a little bar for a while. We then boarded the bus, heading for dinner, and ended up getting lost and losing about an hour or so. Once we finally made it to the restaurant, we were bombarded with another massive dinner. The type of meal was very similar to the restaurant in Parma (as is tradition within the whole region). The plates of meat and baskets of the sopaipilla-esqe pastries were first. There was another course with some kind of crab dish (delicious) and mushroom risotto. The third course was, again, a stewed beef (although this one was better than the night before) and some kind of pork chops. Dessert was some kind of cake. Pretty tasty, but not my favorite. We then left to go back to the hotel, before going out for the night. We hung out at the quad of the local college for a while. The next day we took a trip to a Parmegiano-Reggiano factory. I am sure many, if not all of you, have heard of this cheese. What you probably don't know is how they make/store it. It was a really interesting experience (and you can bet a very smelly one) to see this process. ( They have cheese there that has been aging for years and they come in 40 kilo wheels. (about 88 pounds) We sampled a very large amount of cheese and some people bought blocks to take back to Milan. After the cheese factory, we boarded the bus and headed off to a town named Castell'Arquato. This was our last stop before coming home. We split into two groups once we arrived and one group went to a wine-tasting, while the other took a tour of the town/castle. My group was the first to do the wine-tasting. We sampled 3 different wines and each received a massive plate of meat and bread. It was a lot of fun, although wine is not my favorite choice of drink. The tour was also very fun because the tower that we visited had incredible views of the whole valley. Once we returned to the area where we sampled wine, some girl from the other group had passed out. She was fine, just didn't eat enough that day. We then all boarded the bus and finally headed home after an incredibly fun and magnificently delicous weekend. Now, for my spring break adventures, I might have to break them up into seperate posts. Needless to say, there is a lot to tell.
Thursday, March 29, 2012

This past weekend I, along with two friends (Nico and Shannon), went to Rome for a few days. We also met up with our friend Todd while we were there. (He was there visiting a friend and his girlfriend was flying in too) We took the overnight train on Thursday night, saving some money on a flight. Well, this was an adventure. The train left at about 11:30 PM and arrived in Rome at 7ish. This was a nightmare. There were no beds, and about 6 people in every little car. There were hordes of Middle Eastern men that were standing/sitting in the hallways who were trying to sneak free rides on the train. Every time the police would check for tickets, they would all run off the train, down some cars and then jump back on. They talked, joked, played music and kept all of us up and annoyed for a good 7 hours or so. I maybe had an hour of sleep throughout the whole ride. I just listened to music and sat there. Once we finally arrived in Rome, we went down into the metro to look at a map and find our bearings. We got directions from somenody in the metro and went to try and find the girls' hostel. (I was staying in a different place because I didn't decide I was going on this trip until after the girls had already booked everything. I stayed with Todd in a hostel the first night and by myself in another hostel the second night) We took the metro, walked a little bit and eventually found the place. The problem was that there was a problem with the pipes and so nobody could stay there. The girls had to move to a different hostel that was all the way across the city. It wasn't that big of a deal, just a hassle. They checked in and we put our stuff away. We then walked around for a little bit and ran into Todd. He and I went to check into our hostel shortly after that. The rest of the first day was spent walking around and seeing many things. This trip was very much so one of sightseeing. I don't think I have ever walked so much in a short amount of time. We saw the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the monument for Vittorio Emanuele II and a couple of very nice Plazas. That night I went to stay in a hostel that I had booked for myself and it was awesome. I had my own room and a massive, comfortable bed. It was a little expensive but so worth it for that night of peaceful, undisturbed sleep.
The second day that we were there we woke up and met at a very interesting basilica that was situated in downtown Rome. We then walked a lot through the city to make it to the Trevi Fountain, where we also decided to pick up a nice gelato. From the Fountain, we then walked to the Spanish Steps. We took many pictures from the top of the steps. The rest of the afternoon we spent in the Vatican Museum, touring through hundreds of artifacts, gazing at the Sistine Chapel ceiling and taking many more pictures. Afterwards, we walked around St. Peter's Square for a bit and then walked around a lot more of the city.
The third day, we woke up early and headed to St. Peter's Basilica in order to check it out and tour the top. It was an incredible view of the Square and of the city and it happened to be an absolutely beautiful day. We were leaving in the afternoon so we did not have a whole lot of time to accomplish a lot, but we still did the best we could. We walked to the Borghese park and decided that we would rent a surrey (,r:0,s:0) and ride it around the park for an hour. It was so much fun (and it felt great driving again, even if it didn't have a motor!). We then came back and got the girls' stuff from their hostel and headed towards the train station. We decided to hit a church on the way out and it was very nice. We then parted ways and came back to this lovely city. This past week we went on a cuisine and culture trip but that post will come later. Also, during this spring break, a couple of friends and I are going to London and Ireland. It's a great way to spend my birthday too!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
My "Sensational" Weekend

So, this past weekend was one of the craziest experiences of my entire life. A lot of us from the program had planned this trip a very long time ago. It was one of our first priorities. The goal for this trip was to go to Sensation White This concert took place in a small town, about an hour outside of Brussels, called Hasselt. (In Belgium) There was very little to do in this small town, but they did have a massive arena to house everybody that would attend the concert. (20,000 people ended up going to Sensation) Our flight landed on Friday night in Charleroi and so we had to take a taxi ride. (There were seven of us) The taxi ride was a very funny start to a very fun and interesting weekend. Our taxi driver was a very interesting man, driving us to Hasselt at an average speed of 90 miles an hour or so. It might have been even higher, except that he decided to stop at a gas station to have a smoke and talk to some other taxi friends. We decided this was a good opportunity to try some Belgian beer. We bought a six pack and hung out in the car until the taxi driver was ready to get us to our hotel. Once we arrived in Hasselt, we checked in to the Holiday Inn Express-Hasselt. Now, the only person who wasn't the "nicest person I have ever met" in this entire town, just happened to work the front desk at our hotel. We were planning to have more people stay in our room, but we only booked a twin. The manager was not very nice and wouldn't let all of us stay there. After some debating, some people ended up getting a room across the street for Friday and then on Saturday they would be able to stay with us. (Nobody in the hotel would be worrying about where people were staying) So after we figured everything out on Friday, 5 of us guys left to go get something to eat. The only place that happened to be open was a little place called Hasselt Fried Chicken. It was absolutely delicious. The owner was very nice to us and kept the place open late so that could finish our meal. Afterwards, we headed down the street to a little bar to get a beer. We asked the bartended what his favorite beer was and he served us this beer that was voted the world's best beer in 2010. I can see why. This was probably the best beer I have ever had. It was delicious. The best part about it was that each of us had one beer and there were 5 of us, and the total cost was only 14 euro. In Milan, each beer would average about 5 euro each. Another example of how everybody in Belgium is extremely nice, a man at the bar bought us a round so we decided to stay and have one more before turning in for the night. The next day we decided that we would do something more interesting than just sitting around all day, waiting for Sensation. The event did not take place until 9:00 PM (we ended up going around 10:30 PM) A couple of us decided to board a bus and go to the Netherlands for a few hours. Before we boarded the bus, we ate a burger at a little sandwich shop across the street from the station. The burger had "cocktail" sauce on it, which sounds strange, but was one of the best burgers I have ever had. This sauce was not normal cocktail sauce, but I am very curious as to find out just what kind of sauce it is. We rode the bus for an hour until we reached the town of Maastricht. The busride was very interesting, on account of a man who was very intoxicated, to the point where we stopped on a street and he urinated on some old man's mailbox. Poor old man. The Netherlands is another great and friendly place. The little town square was filled with people walking around, eating food from all over the world and enjoying the day. There were tulips everywhere (but no wooden shoes that I saw). The weather was a little typical of what we imagined it would be-a little rainy, gloomy and about 50 degrees. It was still very nice and we enjoyed a very relaxing afternoon before, what would be, one of the craziest nights I have ever known. So we arrived back in Hasselt after another long busride and hung out in the hotel for a while. At this point, more and more people were showing up to the city and our hotel, many of them dressed in all white. We had many people in our room, spending the last couple of hours before the party. Everybody was so excited for the night and there were so many people from our program there. The time for us to leave for the concert was finally upon us and we all headed out in a giant herd of IES students. I was wearing a white button-up shirt, tucked into a pair of white jeans and white shoes. The outfit actually ended up being pretty cheap. (The pants and the shoes are still there. They were beyond the point of return) We arrived at Sensation, walked in and were immediately blown away. There was a giant lotus-shaped stage were the DJ's were set up that would rise and fall with the music. There were giant light-up balls on the ceiling that would also rise and fall and the lights would do all kinds of things. At times, you would get the feeling that the floor was rising with the way that everything would move up and down. We danced, along with 20,000 other people from about 10:30 to about 6:30 in the morning. After everything was done, we walked back to the hotel and passed out for maybe an hour or so. We then woke up and spent the day in Hasselt. We ate some Belgian waffles and waited for our taxi to the airport and then waited at the airport for our plane. (That is where we also bought some chocolate) The rest of the trip was spent trying to come home, falling in and out of sleep on buses, trains and finally,once reaching home, passed out. I am still trying to catch up on some sleep from the weekend, but it was so worth it. I have not been great at keeping up with the blog lately, but I promise I will try a little better. Midterm week was crazy (I will write another post about that) and I am heading to Rome tomorrow with two lovely ladies (I will right about that too). Now, time for some sleep.
Friday, March 2, 2012
This Past Week

Life here just keeps on rolling and it is never a dull time. For my first class of the week (Italian 350) we went to a theater to see a concert. The performers were a group of middle-aged men singing Beatles songs and other music from the 60's and 70's. We had the chance to go because the lead singer/guitar player was one of the people that works in our program's office. His name is Walter and he is awesome. ( It was a really fun concert because the rest of the audience was filled with Italian middle school kids that knew every word to all of these English songs. On Tuesday I went on aonther field trip to the house of Alessandro Manzoni. Manzoni was a very famous author in Italian history and is credited with being one of the true founders of the modern Italian language. His house has been turned into a museum and is located in the center of the city. It was a very interesting place to visit and more interesting to have a tour in Italian. (Not much room for tuning out) I would have had to go back to the house on Wednesday for a different class but my professor told me that I wouldn't have to go again. (free class period!) I instead walked around the Duomo square and did a little shopping. It was the end of fashion week and there was still a lot of activity in the fashion district. (Not to mention gorgeous women walking all over the place) Last night I stayed in because my throat has been feeling a bit scratchy the last couple of days. It has been so incredibly nice out the last few days. Today we decided to walk around the town and do a little shopping. We went to a big store that had all of the big brands in it. (It is called the Rinascente) We were all wearing shorts and tshirts with sunglasses. The Italians were staring at us all day long because they are still wearing jackets and scarves. One of the highlights of the day was when we went into the Gucci store. They had just opened this store about a week ago, so they were "celebrating". They served us glasses of champagne while we looked around. We all felt quite rich. This weekend is a longer break than usual so I plan and getting a lot of things done. We have a couple of trips coming up in the near future so those will be pretty awesome. I put up a couple of pictures from the last couple of weeks.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
A Glorious Reunion
Sorry it has been so long, but it has been hard to find extra time here. But, here I am back at updating. Last weekend I went to Florence to meet up with my friend, Ted, from Bowdoin. (He is studying in Orvieto, which is a city about halways between Rome and Florence. I rode the faster train, which is more expensive, but it was worth it. (You can get there in about half of the time) Once I got there, I walked around for a while, exploring the city on my own. (Ted missed his first train and did not arrive until about an hour after I did) I walked around the historic district at first and into the commercial section as well. Florence is a very nice city. It is great to look at and there is always a lot going on. The reason why I didn't want to study there was because it is like a little America. There are so many American students studying there and almost everybody speaks English. You are not exactly getting the "Italian experience". It was an amazing place to visit though. So when Ted finally came to the city, we went to our hostel to check-in and see where we would be staying. It was no ordinary hostel. It was in an apartment building with random rooms that you could rent. (It was very cheap though) It was a very nice and safe place though so no worries. We then went out to get a kebab and walk around the town. Our hostel was in a great place in the city. It was near all of the historic district buildings and the more "commercial" area. It was already getting a little late so we didn' really do much that night except walk around and get acquainted with the area in which we were staying. On Saturday, we walked up (basically) a mountain to go visit a fort/the famous Boboli gardens. We walked all through the gardens, saw the museum that they had there and a roman gate. We then proceeded to head back to our hostel (after getting another kebab, of course) and decided to go check out the duomo in the city. The duomo in Florence is a lot bigger/nicer-looking than the one here in Milan. Ted and I walked up to the top (many, many stairs). The view from the top of the duomo was incredible. We were one of the last groups up there so we were lucky enough to have some of the light of the day still left. We could see the entire city and the landscape. It was awesome. For dinner, we went to this incredible restaurant called Il Latini ( It was high on the list of "things to do/see in Milan". It was one of the best meals I have ever had. It was a very unique place because they sat you/your group at a table with other random people. It would have been very interesting but the two chinese girls that sat next to us spoke NO english. Also, there were no menus at this restaurant. They have set courses that they are going to serve and you can pick between certain 1st plates and 2nd plates. The appetizers that they served were prosciutto, brushetta, and anchovies (not my favorite). They also had bread and very large bottles of chianti. For my first course I had a Pappardelle ( dish with wild boar. For my second course I had grilled rabbit. The portions at this place were incredible. They gave me the entire leg of the rabbit. I basically ate 1/4 of a rabbit. Ted had some ravioli for his 1st course and a steak for his second. This was the largest steak I had ever seen in real life. It was actually 2 inches thick (at least). We ate until we could eat no more and then they brought out some dessert wine and biscotti on the house. It was incredible. That night we went out to a club called Space. The next morning we both got on our trains and went back to our cities. It was a really fun weekend and I am glad that I got to see somebody from Bowdoin. News in Milan for right now? FASHION WEEK.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Past Posts

So, life here has just been rolling along. Unfortunately, I had to change my class schedule around a little bit. Two of my classes (communication and management of fashion and luxury companies) were not "liberal enough" for Bowdoin, so I switched out of the communication class into a sociology class and I just added another history class to my schedule. Now I am taking six classes, which is going to be rough. I don't really mind, though, because life here is too good. I have been working hard the last couple of days trying to send a lot of emails and looking for something to do this summer. We are still cooking some great meals in our apartment and saving a lot of money doing so. The other day we had some rabbit that was absolutely delicious. (PS, rabbit kidney tastes just like sausage. It's pretty good) Yesterday for my literature class we walked around the city, but through an area that is near my apartment and also where I have never walked through. This neighborhood was probably one of the richest I have ever seen. Every single person that walked by was either a lady wearing a really nice fur coat, or a man wearing a nice suit. They all just looked like they were loaded. That's where I want to live. (If I could ever afford it) ----------This post was written a long time ago, but I never finished it ------------- The week of midterms was definitely very hectic. I am taking six midterms, therefore I have 6 classes. Over the weekend, and during some of the week, there were two people visiting. That didn't help the studying, but we definitely had time for some fun. So, on Monday, I had my Italian final. Tuesday, I had my Fashion final and my Sociology final. Also, with Sociology, I had to give a presentation. (I hate presentations, but it went very well) On Wednesday, I had two more finals-Literature and History of Fascism. Finally, on Thursday, I finished off my "hell week" with another History final. It was a very long week, filled with only a few hours of sleep. I slept so well on Thursday night. It was glorious. Other than that, life has been the usual of going to class, drinking cappuccinos, eating panini, making meals (turkey and chicken burgers are classic) and spending time surveying the area of Milan. As I said earlier, I am heading to Rome tonight and I will report back at the beginning of next week.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
First Week of Classes
This week was our first week of real classes. On Monday and Wednesday, I have Italian 350 at 10:30, Literature and the City at 1:30 and Never Give In! Fascism, Anti-Semitism and Resistance in Italy at 3:30. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Managing Fashion and Luxury Companies at 9:00 and Communication and Media in Milan at 11:00. Each of the classes are two hours long (minus Italian, it is only 1.5 hours). Two hour classes can be quite long, but luckily we have a 10 minute break in some and one of them ends 15 minutes early. The Italian class is pretty good, but not too exciting. The Literature class is a little slow so far, but it should be very interesting because throughout the course, we are going to go on walking tours of the city in order to explore the literature throughout the history of Italy. The communication class also seems like it will pick up in interest, as it is a little slow right now. We are going to have a couple of field trips throughout the course such as a trip to a set of a tv show and a trip to where they run the famous Corriere della Sera newspaper. The history class is about a very important time in the history of the world and I think learning the history from the Italian side should be very cool and add a whole new perspective. Last, but not least, would be the fashion class. So far, it has actually been very interesting and sounds like it should teach us a lot about the fashion/luxury industry and how those companies run they way they do. Also, we are going to visit the Swarovski factory which should be pretty cool. One of our professors (we have two) worked there for 18 years and knows a lot about the industry. As for this weekend, I believe that we are staying here in Milan again. We are planning some pretty big trips so it is a safe way to save money for those future adventures. Sorry for no pictures at the moment, but there just hasn't been a whole lot to photograph. It has been very cold lately. Somehow colder than at Bowdoin. I thought I was escaping that Bowdoin winter, but by some chance, Italy has had the coldest weather since maybe 50 years. I was elected by my class to be a part of the student council here so that is pretty cool. In our first meeting, we arrived to a whole spread of pizza and salad and drinks. It was fun. I think that we are going to have a very good group. Also, I had a skype interview for an RA job at Bowdoin. It was great to talk to somebody back at Bowdoin. I do miss it. (Although I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world) Other than that, life is perfect.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
What's happening?

So, there hasn't been anything extremely exciting going on, but, things have still been incredibly fun. This weekend was very busy. Starting on Thursday, we went out every single night. The first three nights of the weekend we went to clubs. It was a very, very fun weekend. Three of my roommates friends were visiting in town so we spent some time with them too. Everybody definitely had fun this weekend, too. Other than that, I have just been going to my Italian class every morning from 9-11 (with a short cappuccino break in the middle of it). I chose my classes the other day, too. As of now I will be enrolled in Advanced Italian 350, Literature and the city, Never Give In! Facsicm, Anti-Semitism and Resistance in Italy (1922-1948), Communication and Media in Milan, and Managing Fashion and Luxury Companies (that one should be interesting). It looks like it should be a very good semester with some fun classes. What else is new? Not much. It is snowing for the first time (since we have been here) and it has been all day. I went running today in the snow and it was very cool, although running here is like smoking a whole pack of cigs. The air is so polluted out here. To cope with the loss of my dear wallet, I stopped by the PRADA store and picked up a VERY NICE new one. I am going to leave the cost out of this post for sure. We made dinner for some girls on Sunday night before going to a bar with some other of the people from the program. The meal was delicious (Like always. shout-out to Nick. Although I did help a lot like always) and it is never a bad thing to be in the company of some lovely ladies. As for me, I am still eating pizza, pasta and panini. (Trying to eat some fruits and veggies, Mom, don't worry) I also just purchased my ticket to London for my birthday/spring break. I am really excited. There are so many other trips that we are planning too so it should shape-up to be another amazing semester. (Already is) More to come later.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

So this past weekend, some friends and I decided we would go to Verona for the weekend. If you don't know much about Verona, it is a city in northern Italy and also the setting for the play Romeo and Juliet and is the site of the "house of Juliet". We took a train on Friday and stayed two nights in a hotel just outside of the city. (A bus into the city only took about 10 minutes) There were six of us on that went on the trip to Verona. We took a train on Friday afternoon (the train takes about 2 hours) and then a bus to get to our hotel. We all stayed in one room and needless to say, it was a little crowded. (But a lot cheaper) Friday night we went to a restaurant (I ordered an amazing seafood spaghetti with a mountain of clams, mussels and shrimp) and then we took a long walk around the city at night even though it was probably 25 degrees. The city is filled with amazing architecture and it was really cool to see it all at night. The next day we woke up early enough to see as much as we could in the city. We walked around the entire day and saw basically everything there was to see. There were many churches and bridges. Everything was old and beautiful. The main attraction to see in Verona is "La casa di Giulietta" or the house of Juliet. This house is tucked away in a little section of the city and is a place that people all over the world come to see. The house is actually just a normal house that people have said is the house ofJuliet because it very much resembles the same layout as the house in the story. The walkway into the courtyard is covered by writing (people come and write their names and the names of their significant others on the walls). On one of the gates, also in the courtyard, people link locks with the names of themselves and their significant others to symbolize that they are going to be together forever. Their love is "locked forever". There is a staute in the courtyard of Juliet too and actually it is said that if you rub the right breast, you will have good luck. Kind of strange. Had to do it though. (Superstitious) The whole house is filled with items from the play Romeo and Juliet. The whole house is set to be just like the house from the play. There is even a balcony where people can take pictures. It was all a very romantic place. I loved it, being the romantic that I am. We also went to Julier's tomb, although it was a very big letdown. She wasn't even there! It was an empty tomb. (It might be because she wasn't a real person) Also, on Saturday we went to eat at a little restaurant and I had a delicious seafood risotto. (I love talking about food as you can tell) Saturday night we hung out in the hotel for a little bit and then we went to a club that was a little outside of the city. It was a really fun night. On Sunday we walked around a little more and went to see a castle, bridges and other architecture throughout the city. We ate lunch at the same place that we had dinner the first night and I had another great dish of gnocchi with meat sauce. Two of my friends and I left on the train and got home around 8 on Sunday night. The whole trip was a lot of fun.
Besides that, life around here has been going well. Class has been going well and yesterday we had a meeting about choosing our classes. (Classes start Feb 6) I pretty much already know what classes I am taking and I will let you all know what they are once they are locked in. Other that that, I have just been eating lots of pasta, pizza and panini (italian for sandwiches) and drinking cappuccini. It is the Italian way of life and I am embracing it like a champion. More info to come after I start picking classes.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Life in Italy

So I have made it here more than a week and everything is still just as awesome as when I first arrived. Better maybe. The rest of the weekend went by very fast but it was still a lot of fun. On Saturday we went to a local bar, near our apartment with a good group of people before coming back to our place to hang out for a bit. We actually ended up playing risk until morning. Kind of lame, but a lot of fun. Sunday night was really cool because we went to a bar with a bunch of people from our program in order to watch the big soccer game. (AC Milan and Inter Milan) Inter Milan ended up winning the game. Some people were happy, some people definitely were not. Monday was my first day of class at the IES center. Our class has only 5 people in it, but it looks like it is going to be good. It is a little fast-paced for my level at this moment, especially because I only had Spanish for a whole semester, but I like the challenge and I will be fine. Our class is two hours long with a ten-minute break. During our break, we go across the street to a little cafe and buy either a sandwich or a cappuccino. I tried my first Italian cappuccino the other day and with (a lot) of sugar, it wasn't too bad. Since then we have just been going to class, hanging out here, planning trips (already bought a ticket to Belgium for March and this weekend we are taking a train to Verona) and eating all kinds of good food. I have had so many sandwiches and pieces of pizza. Those places are everywhere. Yesterday I went on a long adventure through the freezing cold for about four hours. I walked down through a couple of outside markets, went downtown to do a little bit of shopping, got a kebab and then came back home. I saw a lot of the city and had a good time just walking around. Today we are going to plan more trips and maybe go to a bar to watch another game. Be back after Verona!
(I put up some pictures of the apartment. I love our place. It is pretty big and really nice. Three bedroom, kitchen, 2 bathroom and large common room in the middle)
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