So, life here has just been rolling along. Unfortunately, I had to change my class schedule around a little bit. Two of my classes (communication and management of fashion and luxury companies) were not "liberal enough" for Bowdoin, so I switched out of the communication class into a sociology class and I just added another history class to my schedule. Now I am taking six classes, which is going to be rough. I don't really mind, though, because life here is too good. I have been working hard the last couple of days trying to send a lot of emails and looking for something to do this summer. We are still cooking some great meals in our apartment and saving a lot of money doing so. The other day we had some rabbit that was absolutely delicious. (PS, rabbit kidney tastes just like sausage. It's pretty good) Yesterday for my literature class we walked around the city, but through an area that is near my apartment and also where I have never walked through. This neighborhood was probably one of the richest I have ever seen. Every single person that walked by was either a lady wearing a really nice fur coat, or a man wearing a nice suit. They all just looked like they were loaded. That's where I want to live. (If I could ever afford it) ----------This post was written a long time ago, but I never finished it ------------- The week of midterms was definitely very hectic. I am taking six midterms, therefore I have 6 classes. Over the weekend, and during some of the week, there were two people visiting. That didn't help the studying, but we definitely had time for some fun. So, on Monday, I had my Italian final. Tuesday, I had my Fashion final and my Sociology final. Also, with Sociology, I had to give a presentation. (I hate presentations, but it went very well) On Wednesday, I had two more finals-Literature and History of Fascism. Finally, on Thursday, I finished off my "hell week" with another History final. It was a very long week, filled with only a few hours of sleep. I slept so well on Thursday night. It was glorious. Other than that, life has been the usual of going to class, drinking cappuccinos, eating panini, making meals (turkey and chicken burgers are classic) and spending time surveying the area of Milan. As I said earlier, I am heading to Rome tonight and I will report back at the beginning of next week.
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