Saturday, August 27, 2011


My name is Luke Sanchez. I am 20 years old, I am about to start my third year at Bowdoin College and I am going to spend the coming school year abroad. My fall semester will be spent in Madrid, Spain and my spring semester will be spent in Milan, Italy. Life is pretty rough, right? So here I sit, one week before I leave for Madrid and I can't help but think "Oh sh**. There is no way that I am ready." I have spent the majority of the summer working and now that I am finished, there is nothing left to do but focus on all of the things I need to do in order to be ready to leave. So far, I have gone shopping (multiple times), talked to the banks about leaving the country, looked over the materials from the abroad program and, of course, worried often about the upcoming future. Though my nerves may be a factor, my excitement to leave is taking over. My mother asked me the other day what I was most excited for abroad. Without hesitation, I said "food." Oh how I can't wait. I plan on documenting and commenting on just about every exciting meal I eat so if you are a food-lover, just as I am, then you will enjoy reading this blog. I decided to make this blog so that my friends and family can see and hear what I am up to while I am out of the country. I hope that everybody that reads it will enjoy it.
Much more to come,